
By cmsifyAdmin, 31 January, 2025
Part 45 - Government Property

Part 45 - Government Property

45.000 Scope of part.

Subpart 45.1 - General

45.101 Definitions.

45.102 Policy.

45.103 General.

45.104 Responsibility and liability for Government property.

45.105 Contractors’ property management system compliance.

45.106 Transferring accountability.

45.107 Contract clauses.

Subpart 45.2 - Solicitation and Evaluation Procedures

45.201 Solicitation.

45.202 Evaluation procedures.

Subpart 45.3 - Authorizing the Use and Rental of Government Property

45.301 Use and rental.

45.302 Contracts with foreign governments or international organizations.

45.303 Use of Government property on independent research and development programs.

Subpart 45.4 - Title to Government Property

45.401 Title to Government-furnished property.

45.402 Title to contractor-acquired property.

Subpart 45.5 - Support Government Property Administration

45.501 Prime contractor alternate locations.

45.502 Subcontractor and alternate prime contractor locations.

45.503 Support property administrator findings.

Subpart 45.6 - Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal

45.600 Scope of subpart.

45.601 [Reserved]

45.602 Reutilization of Government property.

45.602-1 Inventory disposal schedules.

45.602-2 Reutilization priorities.

45.602-3 Screening.

45.602-4 Interagency property transfer costs.

45.603 Abandonment or destruction of personal property.

45.604 Sale of surplus personal property.

45.604-1 Sales procedures.

45.604-2 Use of GSA sponsored sales centers.

45.604-3 Proceeds from sales of surplus property.

45.604-4 Sale of property pursuant to the exchange/sale authority.

45.605 Inventory disposal reports.

45.606 Contractor scrap procedures.
