Transactions of $10,000 or less. The Equal Opportunity clause is required to be included in prime contracts and subcontracts by 22.802(a). Individual prime contracts or subcontracts of $10,000 or less are exempt from application of the Equal Opportunity clause, unless the aggregate value of all prime contracts or subcontracts awarded to a contractor in any 12-month period exceeds, or can reasonably be expected to exceed, $10,000. (Note: Government bills of lading, regardless of amount, are not exempt.)
Work outside the United States. Contracts are exempt from the requirements of E.O.11246 for work performed outside the United States by employees who were not recruited within the United States.
Contracts with State or local governments. The requirements of E.O.11246 in any contract with a State or local government (or any agency, instrumentality, or subdivision thereof) shall not be applicable to any agency, instrumentality, or subdivision of such government that does not participate in work on or under the contract.
Work on or near Indian reservations. It shall not be a violation of E.O.11246 for a contractor to extend a publicly announced preference in employment to Indians living on or near an Indian reservation in connection with employment opportunities on or near an Indian reservation. This applies to that area where a person seeking employment could reasonably be expected to commute to and from in the course of a work day. Contractors extending such a preference shall not, however, discriminate among Indians on the basis of religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or tribal affiliation, and the use of such preference shall not excuse a contractor from complying with E.O.11246, rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor, and applicable clauses in the contract.
Facilities not connected with contracts. The Deputy Assistant Secretary may exempt from the requirements of E.O.11246 any of a contractorâs facilities that the Deputy Assistant Secretary finds to be in all respects separate and distinct from activities of the contractor related to performing the contract, provided, that the Deputy Assistant Secretary also finds that the exemption will not interfere with, or impede the effectiveness of, E.O.11246.
Indefinite-quantity contracts. With respect to indefinite-quantity contracts and subcontracts, the Equal Opportunity clause applies unless the contracting officer has reason to believe that the amount to be ordered in any year under the contract will not exceed $10,000. The applicability of the Equal Opportunity clause shall be determined by the contracting officer at the time of award for the firstyear, and annually thereafter for succeeding years, if any. Notwithstanding the above, the Equal Opportunity clause shall be applied to the contract whenever the amount of a single order exceeds $10,000. Once the Equal Opportunity clause is determined to be applicable, the contract shall continue to be subject to such clause for its duration regardless of the amounts ordered, or reasonably expected to be ordered, in anyyear.
Contracts with religious entities. Pursuant to E.O. 13279, Section 202 of E.O. 11246, shall not apply to a Government contractor or subcontractor that is a religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society, with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such corporation, association, educational institution, or society of its activities. Such contractors and subcontractors are not exempted or excused from complying with the other requirements contained in the order.