52.241-7, Change in Rates or Terms and Conditions of Service for Regulated Services, when the utility services are subject to a regulatory body. (Except for GSA areawide contracts, the contracting officer shall insert in the blank space provided in the clause the name of the contracting officer. For GSA areawide contracts, the contracting officer shall insert the following: "GSA and each areawide customer with annual billings that exceed $250,000").
52.241-8, Change in Rates or Terms and Conditions of Service for Unregulated Services, when the utility services are not subject to a regulatory body.
52.241-9, Connection Charge, when a refundable connection charge is required to be paid by the Government to compensate the contractor for furnishing additional facilities necessary to supply service. (Use AlternateI to the clause if a nonrefundable charge is to be paid. When conditions require the incorporation of a nonrecurring, nonrefundable service charge or a termination liability, see paragraphs (d)(6) and (d)(4) of this section).
52.241-10, Termination Liability, when payment is to be made to the contractor upon termination of service in conjunction with or in lieu of a connection charge upon completion of the facilities.
52.241-11, Multiple Service Locations (as defined in 41.101), when providing for possible alternative service locations, except under areawide contracts, is required.
52.241-12, Nonrefundable, Nonrecurring Service Charge, when the Government is required to pay a nonrefundable, nonrecurring membership fee, a charge for initiation of service, or a contribution for the cost of facilities construction. The Government may provide for inclusion of such agreed amount or fee as a part of the connection charge, a part of the initial payment for services, or as periodic payments to fulfill the Governmentâs obligation.
52.241-13, Capital Credits, when the Federal Government is a member of a cooperative and is entitled to capital credits, consistent with the bylaws and governing documents of the cooperative.