By cmsifyAdmin, 31 January, 2025 View Node 31.205-8 Contributions or donations. 31.205-8 Contributions or donations. Contributions or donations, including cash, property and services, regardless of recipient, are unallowable, except as provided in 31.205-1(e)(3). Parent topic: 31.205 Selected costs. Log in or register to post comments Comments
31.205-8 Contributions or donations. Contributions or donations, including cash, property and services, regardless of recipient, are unallowable, except as provided in 31.205-1(e)(3). Parent topic: 31.205 Selected costs.
31.205-8 Contributions or donations. Contributions or donations, including cash, property and services, regardless of recipient, are unallowable, except as provided in 31.205-1(e)(3). Parent topic: 31.205 Selected costs.