32.703-2 Contracts conditioned upon availability of funds.
(a) Fiscal year contracts. The contracting officer may initiate a contract action properly chargeable to funds of the new fiscal year before these funds are available, provided that the contract includes the clause at 52.232-18, Availability of Funds (see 32.706-1(a)). This authority may be used only for operation and maintenance and continuing services (e.g., rentals, utilities, and supply items not financed by stock funds)-
(1) Necessary for normal operations; and
(2) For which Congress previously had consistently appropriated funds, unless specific statutory authority exists permitting applicability to other requirements.
(b) Indefinite-quantity or requirements contracts. A one-year indefinite-quantity or requirements contract for services that is funded by annual appropriations may extend beyond the fiscal year in which it begins; provided, that-
(1) Any specified minimum quantities are certain to be ordered in the initial fiscal year (see 37.106) and
(2) The contract includes the clause at 52.232-19, Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year (see 32.706-1(b)).
(c) Acceptance of supplies or services. The Government shall not accept supplies or services under a contract conditioned upon the availability of funds until the contracting officer has given the contractor notice, to be confirmed in writing, that funds are available.