By cmsifyAdmin, 31 January, 2025 View Node 19.602 Procedures. 19.602 Procedures. 19.602-1 Referral.19.602-2 Issuing or denying a Certificate of Competency (COC).19.602-3 Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.19.602-4 Awarding the contract.Parent topic: Subpart 19.6 - Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Responsibility Log in or register to post comments Comments
19.602 Procedures. 19.602-1 Referral.19.602-2 Issuing or denying a Certificate of Competency (COC).19.602-3 Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.19.602-4 Awarding the contract.Parent topic: Subpart 19.6 - Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Responsibility
19.602 Procedures. 19.602-1 Referral.19.602-2 Issuing or denying a Certificate of Competency (COC).19.602-3 Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.19.602-4 Awarding the contract.Parent topic: Subpart 19.6 - Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Responsibility