17.603 Limitations.
(a) Management and operating contracts shall not be authorized for-
(1) Functions involving the direction, supervision, or control of Government personnel, except for supervision incidental to training;
(2) Functions involving the exercise of police or regulatory powers in the name of the Government, other than guard or plant protection services;
(3) Functions of determining basic Government policies;
(4) Day-to-day staff or management functions of the agency or of any of its elements; or
(5) Functions that can more properly be accomplished in accordance with subpart 45.3, Authorizing the Use and Rental of Government Property.
(b) Since issuance of an authorization under 17.602(a) is deemed sufficient proof of compliance with paragraph (a) immediately above, nothing in paragraph (a) immediately above shall affect the validity or legality of such an authorization.
(c) For use of project labor agreements, see subpart 22.5.