
By cmsifyAdmin, 31 January, 2025
Part 17 - Special Contracting Methods

Part 17 - Special Contracting Methods

17.000 Scope of part.

Subpart 17.1 - Multi-year Contracting

17.101 Authority.

17.102 Applicability.

17.103 Definitions.

17.104 General.

17.105 Policy.

17.105-1 Uses.

17.105-2 Objectives.

17.106 Procedures.

17.106-1 General.

17.106-2 Solicitations.

17.106-3 Special procedures applicable to DoD, NASA, and the Coast Guard.

17.107 Options.

17.108 Congressional notification.

17.109 Contract clauses.

Subpart 17.2 - Options

17.200 Scope of subpart.

17.201 [Reserved]

17.202 Use of options.

17.203 Solicitations.

17.204 Contracts.

17.205 Documentation.

17.206 Evaluation.

17.207 Exercise of options.

17.208 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

Subpart 17.3 - [Reserved]

Subpart 17.4 - Leader Company Contracting

17.401 General.

17.402 Limitations.

17.403 Procedures.

Subpart 17.5 - Interagency Acquisitions

17.500 Scope of subpart.

17.501 General.

17.502 Procedures.

17.502-1 General.

17.502-2 The Economy Act.

17.503 Ordering procedures.

17.504 Reporting requirements.

Subpart 17.6 - Management and Operating Contracts

17.600 Scope of subpart.

17.601 Definition.

17.602 Policy.

17.603 Limitations.

17.604 Identifying management and operating contracts.

17.605 Award, renewal, and extension.

Subpart 17.7 - Interagency Acquisitions: Acquisitions by Nondefense Agencies on Behalf of the Department of Defense

17.700 Scope of subpart.

17.701 Definitions.

17.702 Applicability.

17.703 Policy.

Subpart 17.8 - Reverse Auctions

17.801 Scope of subpart.

17.802 Definitions.

17.803 Policy.

17.804 Applicability.

17.805 Procedures.

17.806 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.
